prop / set / interior stylist


HELLO my name is Jamie

"I'm that same David Crockett, fresh from the backwoods, half-horse, half-alligator, a little touched with the snapping turtle; can wade the Mississippi, leap the Ohio, ride upon a streak of lightning, and slip without a scratch down a honey locust [tree]." Jamie Crockett is not related to Davy Crockett...I don't think...but that quote applies to Jamie as well, mainly because she is not your typical human being, and I'm pretty sure she has supernatural powers.

Jamie was my neighbor when I first moved to Durham. She and her husband, Jared (equally amazing!), knocked on our door one day inviting our household to a pot luck they were hosting. I immediately sensed good vibes from her and knew it was the beginning of a lifelong friendship. I later learned Jamie is a certified therapeutic breathwork instructor, a talented artist, and the best freaking coffee-maker I've ever known. She has the most gentle, compassionate heart, is wicked smart, and will listen to you for hours without once passing judgement. Her smile is refreshing, and her jokes, well, Jared gets them. Haha. (That's a joke, Jamie. You're hilarious!) She loves using idioms and cliches, and she loves her little kitties, Howie and Kiri, more than anything in the world...besides Jared, of course.

Because Jamie is so in-tune with her mind, body and spirit and is great at bringing the best out in others, it was no surprise to me when she was accepted into the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Graduate Program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is now a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate and a National Certified Counselor working towards her Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education at UNCG. With her research focused on "mind-body-spirit counseling interventions" and "experimental education," Jamie is currently studying the relationship between breath patterns and symptoms of psychological distress.

I hope you get to meet her one day, because you will never be the same again. She is that amazing.

HELLO my name is a feature where I introduce someone in my life whose made a big splash or a little ripple but in either case an impact.